Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Andrew Cuomo Shelly Silver JCOPE Keeps Jobs Despite Vito Lopez Grope-Gate Exposing Dirty Albany
JCOPE under scrutiny speaks....   JCOPE trying to save their phony jobs?  How many other jobs Albany to City Hall are phony --- how many top people in legal system playing dumb deaf blind to protect corruption and their big salaries?

Albany and lack of ethics and who's our governor....?
a) flim flam man -- cuomo lied and said he would clean-up Albany but we should have know from the Steve Rattner deal with Rattner paid to not go to jail, pleaded the 5th 64 times, paid to not plead guilty and than Mike Bloomberg helped pick up the bill with a nice fat pay check for his BFF (also owner of NYT BF and NYDN)  Rattner gets jobs op ed pieces NYT, Financial Times and show on Bloomberg's ken doll Charlie Rose - Bloomberg owns Rose like he owns Koch along with Rudin's who rent to Koch for next to nothing.
Than Cuomo made sure Paterson did not go to jail for witness tampering and uses the WOR so he could use the radio show to sent Ravi a message -- resign from JCOPE. Cuomo payback and for covering up for silencing a victim of spousal abuse

b) Closet Richard Nixon like Mike Bloomberg -- control freak supreme even has staff create file on critics
c) Cuomo lied and filled jobs with cronies -- went back on his world.
d) all of the above -- voted for him never again.

Cuomo a father of daughters protects Paterson and compares using tax payer money to settle sex harassment to car accidents.

Cuomo doesn't care that secret tax payer money used either does AG or comptroller -- welcome to misogynist Albany NY Politics -- female club members called feminist trail blazers from Albany to city hall.
Christine Quinn invited Lopez to her wedding for what delivering an illegal third term.  She and Cuomo shunted a fortune in tax payer money to Lopez via his senior center that they knew had a DOI file thicker than a phone book?
Cuomo Sheldon Vito Lopez Misogynist Albany Boy's Club cover-ups Albany knew and every top player involved -- top women protecting Shelly, Cuomo, comptroller and AG -- all silent.
Between the lessons of Kristalnacht and what the Jesuits taught me of “never on bent knee,” I left, and then, as I wrote yesterday to Gov. Cuomo, I resigned an additional board, NYS IOLA, in rebuke of ignoble David Paterson, as he is no Basil Paterson, who is a true gentleman.

Mike Bloomberg and other silent because Vito Lopez blackmail threat?
Lopez has the goods and can run Brooklyn from jail!

Sam Zherka sues Janet DiFiore's chief of investigations; says he double-dipped STAR tax deduction

New York State and City run by political crime families all legal all tax payer money funded -- whoppeee!

Bill Hammond says JCOPE must go!

Where was her newest boy toy assistant to help her with her no show problems?

Do you realize the people that supposed representative us do not and vote for greed and stupidity and not the People of NY State and City........

We no longer live in a democracy but a State and City KOed by Greed and Stupidity!

Dont' forget Charles Hynes as usual had to recuse himself -- he loves Vito Lopez and his daughter worked for Lopez.  Lopez a saint.  Welcome to the family!

Crowley Family Queens  legalized mobsters?
Bronx Diaz Rivera?
So many don't forget Arroyo family robbing and raping tax payers?
So many others list so long...
Christine Quinn has how many on her staff and Mike Bloomberg the worst...he should reimburse tax payers for putting his campaign staff on tax payer's dole.  He ain't going to The White House...maybe jail CityTime ECTP -- no to rich to go to jail like Rattner -- he protected Rattner because he identifies with him.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Christine Quinn Chuck Meara Email from Suzannah Troy 250 Broadway Ambulance Scandal

Re: Chuck Meara ambulance Foil 8/6/12 6:30 am

 Ali: Please forward to Chuck Meara

 Thank you

 To: Christine Quinn and Chuck Meara After our meeting, a few months later, Chuck Meara and I spoke on the steps of City Hall (- I was there with Local 375 DC37 -) re: ambulance scandal 250 Broadway voter lock-out Chuck admitted there was confusion with his NYPD liaison at the First Precinct and acknowledged now there was an ambulance but still refused to admit the ambulance took 1/2 hour.

 I now have the FOIL report and even the reason the ambulance took so long. The NYPD made me wait a very long time but the answer is the ambulance went to the wrong address! Was it human error or our flawed 2 billion 14 million dollars  ECTP 911 tech system as noted in the NY Post the EMS tech system flatlined again July of this year as well as Oct 2011?

 Was it both human error and a tech glitch? The foil report confirms what Dr Kaufman and Nurse Dunne well respected members of St Vincent's hospital will confirm in a court of law and in writing if need be.

 The ambulance took a 1/2 hour.

 You have my lawyer Norman Siegel's contact info

 Note: If Rosie O'Donnel was at her Rudin hospital condo when her heart troubled ensued her children could have lost her because there is no Trauma Level 1 hospital in the same way Richard Schierer, Rudy Giuliani's top guys, died in the ambulance to Beth Israel. We look forward to a response on the ambulance scandal and whether you can tell us was it a tech glitch, human error or both as well as other answers to our Talking Points from our City Hall meeting also posted on my blogs.   As you know this email also will be posted on my blog later today.

 We look forward to answers and basic rights to health care President Obama says are ours which your own district including Rescue Workers who have dangerous (fixed typo) jobs are deprived of since there is no hospital!!!

 Doesn't that include a hospital now for your own community. Rudin luxury condos do not do CPR. I pray there is no terror attack on the 11 year anniversary of 9-11; the exact amount of years between WTC attacks. St Vincent's was open and up until this year served as a memorial like the many fire houses now shuttered that responded courageously with open brave hearts now closed this 9-11.   The workers of St V -- many are still unemployed with actual employment in NY possibly as high as 17 percent not 10!

 Where is the criminal investigation in to the St Vincent's crooks and why aren't you pressuring Cy Vance?  These are just some questions your District, the Rescue Workers, the entire City would like answered and your opponents running for mayor.

 Thank you, Suzannah B. Troy
 Sent from my iPhone Typed with one finger on phone... Extreme exhaustion.

Interesting Christine Quinn has the millions in her war chest to be mayor, more than anyone and the media has blacked all this out! Scroll down on the link below to me with foil letter from NYPD 1 police plaza. I felt happy to finally have an answer. I gave u this link to see just a few other issues I am fighting for The People of NYC.

Video of me as 75 year old man collapses.

No Quinn or her huge staff anywhere to be seen. I am dressed like Quinn to underscore her abandonment of her own district. 

Good kind NYPD Sgt Anderson from the 6th Precinct called 911 for me.   DI  Ed Winski was in charge that morning and there were NYPD from 06 as well.     See photo - yet Quinn and Meara at the meeting City Hall refused to believe the ambulance was even called! I even have video of the 75 year old man collapsing I did not post.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mike Bloomberg caught on Public Tv Being Yelled Down by me CityTime and ECTP!

I had bad insomnia last night and I did a blog post "Dear Lt. O'Sullivan" and first time in a long time I checked my mail YouTube from my Iphone and saw a YouTube message I hadn't seen before about me dressed as Quinn on WPIX so I wrote back a thank you and got this email!   Mike Bloomberg couldn't hear what I had to say?  I was shouting about the largest white collar crimes in NYC gov. history and under his watch.

Mike Bloomberg in my opinion lied yet again.  Read what he wrote and my response I will post beneath his and 1) Mike Bloomberg's staff had my name and name of my blog.They haven't tracked me down for Mike to ask me what I said.
2) In a court of law under oath with he lie again like he did the Haggerty trial?
From my YouTube message box a supporter of my work!
Just saw You on PIX tonight!
I was watching some kind of conference by our dear Mayor on a cable channel earlier this week that covers all his press conferences and I could've sworn I heard a familiar voice (offscreen) grabbing his attn. He looked befuddled (what a surprise) and told the reporters he didn't understand what the person was saying and if they could brief him afterwards as to what she wanted. I laughed and could tell he knew exactly who you were and what YOU wanted.

He and his puppet Quinnocchio better get used to it and if Ms. Quinn attempts to shake my hand to get my vote when I get off my train at South Ferry for work, I'll just snub her like I snubbed Mikey when he ran his illegal 3rd term when he tried shaking mine. I'll tell her to her face that she is a fraud and a disgrace to Women voters in this city. And I agree she totally sold out the Village and closed St. Vincent's to replace it with disgusting condos for the rich and celebrities. She makes wretch.

Anyway, you're probably asleep (it's 2:30 am). Get lots of rest and be careful out there. You don't want those Mayoral thugs to put their hands on you. And thank you for the sweet lil message, made my night.  Good night hun. See ya on the Tube. 


My yell down was captured and ran on nyc public tv. Off course the press let him office. 

Read below the message I forward you!!!

If we ask Bloomberg under oath would he testilie in court like he did during Haggerty trial?
I had severe insomnia last night

for my over achievers......remember Mike Bloomberg NYC Gov TV scandals and his staff also his campaigners....